Saturday 29 June 2013

Braindead Interview

Interview with Braindead webzine

 Hello Braindead zine, greetings from a Canadian mental ward!
Please tell our shit-life drug addict viewers about your artwork. How long have you been doing graphic design, painting or drawing?

-I’ve been drawing forever! I’ve always been into horror, I always liked drawing gory stuff, on the margins of my notes in school and stuff. And I’ve been a painter since then too I guess! I like doing art even though my stuff isn’t so original, I usually get inspiration from movies. I love the colors in Mario Bava films, that’s my biggest influence in terms of art.
After a while working on the Goregrind and Grindcore website, I started using my own artwork as layout for it. I also did my own artwork for my goregrind project Blue Holocaust! So bands and stuff started asking me to do art for them as well... Back in the day I drew the logo for Dysmenorrheic Hemorrhage at the demand of Drew from Tasteless Shit Records & Microphallus! I also did alot of the old Bowel Stew covers and also worked for Lymphatic Phlegm, The Kill, Vomitose Zine, more recently been working on a bunch of logos for Pregnancy, Meatal Ulcer, Pulsating Cerebral Slime, etc... Currently I’m working on the art for Raw Noise Apes from Greece & more...

What was the first cassette of grindcore/gore/noise you ever purchased if you can remember that far back, old chap?

-I guess the first really cool tape I bought must have been something like Dead Infection “ World Full of Remains”. The one with re-recorded vocals from 1993 I guess! But I only got that in 1996, I’m not a first generation grinder. I got Napalm Death “Death by Manipulation” compilation tape through my brother before though. That was my first taste of grindcore! The first metal cassette tape I ever bought was probably Metallica “Kill ‘Em All”...

Pierre, what do you look like, it is a mysterious, are you really scary looking?

- I’m just too goddamn beautiful, the world doesn’t deserve to see me. I just don’t keep pictures of myself around and I rarely take pictures of anything. I like to remember things my own way.

I know you love crusty gore-grind with the Agathocles vibe, so do I, could you please tell us about some recent bands that capture that good old Regurgitate, low-fi Crust-grind nausea?

-Hyperemesis is the best! I’m trying to get as many tapes as possible! I also like Grotesque Organ Defilement and Super Fun Happy Slide (Australia). They’re my idea of the perfect grind/crust/gore combination. Birth from Minnesota are awesome. Metastasis, one-man band from Canada sounds really sick too. Oniku from Japan, awesome drum machine goregrind with some crust influences. Pulsating Cerebral Slime from France and Meatal Ulcer from Australia are really cool too!

Do you think Grindcore has turned very commercial?

-Yeah, probably!! I think Napalm Death’s Scum was big hit from the start though, so grindcore has always been somewhat commercially successful. Earache Records coined the term grindcore, it’s totally a commercial marketing word to sell records! I don’t really have a problem with it... I’m glad some bands have the means to tour and stuff?!
All the bands I cited in the previous question seem to be totally into grind for passion although it’s too bad they can’t do worldwide tours, those are the bands I’d love to see play live!!

Please tell our viewers about some of your favorite noise-core projects that you have reviewed?

-I’m not an expert in noisecore to tell you the truth!! But from the ones I reviewed I like Crowd Surfers Must Die from the Netherland who play really crazy trippy sci-fi noisecore! WORLD from Japan were the best. Nikudorei, Final Exit... Gore Beyond Necropsy if you consider them noisecore. Classic japanese bands I guess. Recently I really liked Infecting the Dissected based in Kansas City but it’s now R.I.P.
I mostly review stuff people send me! There are more noisecore bands I enjoy, but I just can’t  find the time to write about everything...

Have you ever masturbated in public or a public restroom before?


Have you ever meet a serial killer before?

-Nah. I have a certain degree of fascination for serial killers, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to meet one. I met Dario Argento once though, he’s one of my favorite directors and he killed a lot of people through his movies, does that count for anything?!

How big is your music collection, please tell us also if you have anything else that's big?

- My music collection is not all that big, it’s pretty average to be honest! But you know size isn’t everything!  I mostly hang on to a few records, cd’s and tapes I really care about! There are certain bands I’m really obsessed about though like Catasexual Urge Motivation, Regurgitate & Gore Beyond Necropsy, I’m probably missing a bunch of stuff but I’m trying to get as many things from them as possible. I also have a lot of stuff from Dead Infection, Haemorrhage & Impetigo from taking care of their official websites at one point in time...
I’m also into movies... I collect dvd’s & italian giallo and crime vintage movie posters from the 70’s which can be pretty costly! Maybe if I concentrated strictly on music, my collection would be bigger but it’s not my only interest.
I’m satisfied with what I’ve got anyway.

How are French girls in bed, is it true that they are some of the best?

-I’m sure girls from any nationality can be equally as wild! The country you’re from doesn’t necessarily have much to do with anything…

I think I recall you saying you were a vegan or vegetarian, are you still not eating meat? How is a day in life of Braindead webzine, do you drink alot of coffee to keep you going or do you like just good old amphetamine to keep it going? What you don't use substances?

 -Yeah, reading Agathocles & Dropdead lyrics probably brainwashed me into it, but I never really liked meat even as a kid… I know nobody cares, so I try not to preach it too much, I’m just not into meat. I’m not a big coffee drinker either, I like to sleep a lot… I usually spend a lot of time procrastinating, thinking about stuff to do, wasting a lot of time! I have a lot of ideas but getting them done is another story. There’s so much stuff I have to review sometimes I don’t know where to start. Sorry to disappoint but I don’t do drugs… I don’t smoke. I’ll drink beer during shows, that’s about it…

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