Wednesday 3 July 2013

A war waged on industrial colonialism through noise

A radical new agenda played out through blogs, zines and speakers. This is war against traditionalism and aesthetic values, you may of heard that before but a new radical is emerging. The shit-noise lifer. The blatent disregard for modern technology is prevalent, if we look back to 1913 and see futurists noise music played by machines we cannot devalue this influence. But at the same time, in this era, a level of violence and even more sonic carnage is popping up. I personally have no respect for internet bands, this is just a fleeting era. But those who record and release analog are truly performing an anti-capitalist task, without intention or with intention. The vinyl record and cassette tape lasts longer than cds and has very little interest from big labels. Every aspect, including the hand drawn or photomontage cut and paste art is saying `I don`t need the technological rat race`. We are a small group of unknowingly devoted fans to a 100 year old tradition, it`s just that we have a different take on it. As violence and warfare have influenced some bands, the sound and themes have become modern: violent, more offensive, more revolting to reflect our present day world. The plastic age cannot destroy the DIY network. A true international commune of trading labour for labour. Tape for tape.
We aim to make use of all objects as means of sonic communication in an artistic sense, or we take a minimalist approach and strip it down to just percussion and a voice fed up with the grinding industrial life. Where I was born, colonial exploitation from Crown corporations ravaged my town, like a parasite it came and sucked the health of nature dry. This could be an example of why someone would choose noise as a style, to convey the sound of waste and machinery, destruction to the human ear. Not even the lyrics or human vocals have to convey messages, why set down rules for an expression of artwork when all around us there are no rules for those who`s only goal is to obtain money or uphold law and order. We can revolt against corruption with a chaotic collage of sounds. We can highlight and shine the light on the worst parts of humanity and not trick ourselfs into a fairy tale world of love, partys, money and cars.

-You do not need talent, everything around you is a potential instrument, this personally I contribute to found object art from the early 20th century. Example water has been used as an instrument recently.
What critic decides what is truly art and what is not, this question has no answer because the artist is the only sole decision maker of what is an expression of art. The uncertainty of living in a violent modern age, the constant barrage of commericials and television, the confines of structure in music just make us inhuman. I believe noisecore or whatever you want to call it is a vector for equality. Any untrained male or female can become a producer of something that is tangible, that is theirs. It is entirely your choice to be a creator, it is not anyone elses. Do not listen to a critic, do not ever give up on your idea of sound. It is yours, it is not anyone`s property, it is liberation to the human being. Who except a zombie doesn`t have the desire to express their life or their surroundings, by limiting it to technical muscians we put certain people on a level above us. There is no meaning to this life, therefore there is no meaning to follow structure, and to that extreme: To not have a job, to not follow the law, to indulge in drugs or sex. Please consider that you could be a noise-lifer, you could express political or social beliefs and make a change. Only those who follow music theory and practice are subjugated by their own `talent`. Please take this gift of freedom in a world where democracy and freedom of speech is nothing but a lie.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, very well written and thought provoking... keep on rockin' in the free world.
